Maamar Guermache dit Abbas, former General Secretary of the UGTA trade union of the port workers of Alger
Henri Alleg, former leader of the Algerian Communist Party
Boualem Khalfa, former leader of the Algerian Communist Party, former director of "d'Alger Républicain"
Bessa Zoheir, director of "d'Alger Républicain"
Sportisse William, former leader of the Algerian Communist Party and secretary of the Association « amis d'Alger Républicain" in France
Perles Georges, President of the Association « amis d'Alger Républicain" in France
Dalila Meziane, lawyer, member of women's association
[ enviadas por el PADS]
Dirk Van Duppen, District Councillor, Deurne, Antwerp (WPB+)
Frans Van Acoleyen, Town Councillor, Zelzate (WPB+)
Geert Asman, Town Councillor, Zelzate (WPB+)
Hans Krammisch, Town Councillor, Seraing (WPB+)
Harrie Dewitte, Town Councillor, Genk (WPB+)
Jan Keijzer, Town Councillor, La Louvière (WPB+)
Johan Vandepaer, Town Councillor, Herstal (WPB+)
Karl Segers, Town Councillor, Zelzate (WPB+)
Maureen Tollenaere, Town Councillor, Zelzate (WPB+)
Staf Henderickx, Town Councillor, Lommel (WPB+)
Roland Van Acker, Social Service (OCMW) Councillor, Zelzate (WPB+)
Nadia Moscufo, Town Councillor, Herstal (WPB+)
Dirk Goemaere, Town Councillor, Zelzate (WPB+)
Philippe De Vuyst, Town Councillor, Zelzate (WPB+)
Mie Branders, District Councillor, Hoboken, Antwerp (WPB+)
[enviadas por el Partido del Trabajo de Bélgica]
Golubeva Tatyana Genadievna, - Member of the Parliament of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Belarusian Democracy, 1st Secretary of the Central Committee (CC) of the Communist Party of Belarus (CPB).
Karpenko Igor Vasilievic, - assistant President of the Parliament of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Belarusian Democracy in the International Relations with the Commonwealth of Independent States, 2nd Secretary of the CC of the CPB.
Atamanov Geörgi Petrovic, assistant President of the public welfare Union of the Officers of Belarus, member of the CC of CPB.
Korop Roman Leonodovic, Member of the Parliament of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Belarusian Democracy, member of the Bureau of the CC of CPB.
Spilichenko Igor Azorovic, Member of the Parliament of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Belarusian Democracy, member of the CPB.
Tolkachev Victor Ivanovic, Member of the Parliament of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Belarusian Democracy, member of the CPB.
Tihanskagia Raïsa Alexadrovna, assistant President of the Permanent Committee of the Parliament of Representatives of the National Assembly in the International Relations with the Commonwealth of Independent States, member of the CC of CPB.
Malnikov Evgeni Alexadrovic, Member of the Parliament of Representatives of the National Assembly, member of the CC of CPB.
Maïsuk Vladimir Vladimirovic, Member of the Parliament of Representatives of the National Assembly, member of the CC of CPB.
Kamaï Alexeï Stepanovic, President of the Council of CPB, honored for his national, social and party action.
Kikel Pavel Vasilievic, Doctor in Filosophy Studies in the National Pedagogical University of Belarus, member of the Bureau of the CC of CPB.
Samilia Elena Alexieëvna, Editor of the newspaper «Belarusian Communist. We and the time.».
Novikov Anatoli Nikolagievic, Member of the Council of Democracy of the National Assembly of the Belarusian Democracy, President of the Veterans' Union of Belarus.
Adreënko Vladimir Alexadrovic, 1st Secretary of the organization of Brest of CPB.
Polofchev Vladimir Leonidovic, 1st Secretary of the organization of Vitepsk of CPB.
Prokopenko Stanislav Ivanovic, 1st Secretary of the organization of Gomelsk of CPB.
Anisik Sergeï Anatolievic, 1st Secretary of the organization of Grodnensk of CPB.
Drako Valeri Vladimirovic, Secretary of the CC of the CPB.
Demedei Nikolaï Ivanovic, honoured for the national, social and party action, member of the Council of CPB.
Bedoulia Vladimir Leodievic, granted twice with the award of «Socialist Work», honoured for his national, social and party action, member of the Council of CPB.
Anohin Vladimir Ivanovic, assistant President of the public welfare organization Ünion of Belarusian Officers», Colonel of Aviation in retirement.
Vorobiov Vladimir Ivanovic, President of the war-scientific community, Major General in retirement, fighter of the World War II.
Zubov Igor Alexeëvic, Major General in retirement, distinguishing lawyer, fighter of the World War II.
Serostan Vladimir Alexeëvic, Director of the Club of Voluntary Support of Army, Aviation and Navy of the Belarusian Democracy, Secretary of the City Committee of Minsk of CPB.
Tiouhaï Vladimir Vladimirovic, Secretary of the City Committee Of Minsk of CPB, member of the confederation of «Youth Union of the Belarusian Democracy».
Giouskevic Alexadr Nikolagievic, Member of the Parliament of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Belarusian Democracy, President of the Committee of the Youth Organizations.
Ulahovich Nikolai Dimitrievich, Chairman of the Council of the Belarusian Patriotic Party.
Kulik Vitali Vladimirovich, deputy chairman of the Agrarian Party.
Belozor Vladimir Yakovlevich, Chairman of the central board of the Democratic Party.
Yurgilevich Galina Nikolaevna, president of the local organisation in Zavotskoje, Minsk, of the association "Belaya Rus", Deputy chairperson of the Committee for education, culture, science and scientific-technical development of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus.
Kostyan Sergei Ivanovich, chairman of the association «Belarusian Slavic Committee», member of the CC of the CP of Belarus.
Alexanova Irina Alexandrovna, chairperson of the local organisation of Minsk, public association "Belarusian Women's Union".
Choudajia Maria Nikolaevna, chairperson of the association International women's union "Jedinstivo", member of the Bureau of the CC of the CP of Belarus, First Secretary of the Regional Committee of the Minsk Organisation of the CP of Belarus.
Korda Ivan Mikhailovich, chairman of the organisation of Belarus "RUS", chairman of the coordinative council of the union of the Belarusian welfare institutions directors with Russian compatriots.
Linkin Igor Andreevich, First Deputy chairman of the regional board of the public association of Minsk "Belarusian Community Znanije" .
Sokov Vladimir Ilyich, Chairman of the council of the Minsk Union of veterans in Afghanistan War "Pamiat", deputy chairman of the association "Belarusian union of veterans of the war in Afghanistan", retired colonel, member of the CC of the CP of Belarus.
Jagodicina Maria Davidovna, chairperson of the presidium of the organisation "Belarusian association of the besieged in Leningrad".
Yefimov Yuri Pavlovich, association "Cossacks of Belarus".
Mesevich Elvira Ansafovna, chairperson of the international union "cultural heritage of Tatar- Bashkiria "Cisma''.
Asadulajef Hizri Gazijevich, President of the international Union of Daghestani "Goro".
Milin Boris Nikolaevich, Chairman of the public union of "Supakar".
Yacuk Alexandr Stepanovich, member of the council of MPs in Minsk, member of the CC of the CO of Belarus.
[enviadas por el PC de Bielorrusia]
Ivan Pinheiro, General Secretary of Brazilian CP, Director of "Casa da América Latina"
[ enviadas por el PC Brasileño]
Reino Unido
Robert Griffiths, General Secretary of CP Britain
John Foster, International Secretary of CP Britain
Mary Davis, Woman's Organiser, Emerirtus Professor London Metropolitan University
Graham Stevenson, National Organiser Transport UNITE (personal capacity)
[enviadas por el PC Británico]
1. Guillermo Teillier, Writer, President of the CP of Chile
2. Jaime Gajardo, General Secretary of the Central Union of Workers, President of Professors' Association
3. Fernando García, Musician, National Arts Award
4. Luis Corvalán, Professor, Former Senator and Former General Secretary of the CP of Chile
5. Oscar Aroca, Professor, General Secretary of the Communist Youth of Chile
6. Jorge Insunza, Engineer, member of the PC of the CP of Chile
7. Cristian Cuevas, Leader of the Central Union of Workers
8. Juan Carlos Concha, former Minister of Health
9. José Cademártori, Former Minister of Economy
10. Mireya Baltra, Former Minister of Labour, former MP, leader of women's movement
11. Oscar Hernández, Actor, city councilor of the municipality of Estación Central
12. José Balmes, Painter, National Arts Award
13. Manuel Hernández, regional councilor of the province of Santiago
14. Claudia Pascual, city councilor of the municipality of Santiago, leader of women's movement
15. Lautaro Carmona, General Secretary of the CP of Chile
16. Juan Andrés Lagos, Journalist, Academic, member of the PC of the CP of Chile
17. Susana Hernández, city councilor of the municipality of La Florida
18. Gustavo "Lulo" Arias, Musician, Group "Legua York"
19. Hugo Gutiérrez, Lawyer for Human Rights
20. Claudina Núñez, Mayor of the municipality of Pedro Aguirre Cerda
21. Tania Concha, city councilor of the municipality of Coronel
22. Rodrigo Sánchez, Mayor of the municipality of La Ligua
23. Salvador Delgadillo, Mayor of the municipality of Til Til
24. Isaías Zavala, Mayor of the municipality of Diego de Almagro
25. Nelson Cornejo, city councilor of the municipality of Pedro Aguirre Cerda
[enviadas por el PC de Chile]
República Checa
Stanislav Grospic, Chairman of the Trade Union Association of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia, and MP
Zuzana Exnerova, Vice-Chairperson of the General Counsel and Chairperson of Prague Counsel of Women's Left Clubs (Women's Union)
Alena Grospicova, Chairperson of the Central Bohemia Regional Counsel of Women's Left Clubs
David Pazdera, member of the Central Counsel of the Czechoslovakia Young Communists Union and Councillor of Brno City - Centre
Milan Krajca, Chairman of the Communist Union of Youth (KSM)
Marta Semelova, Councillor of Prague City
Viktor Pazler, Councillor of Prague City
Pavel Ambroz, Councillor of Prague City
Milan Macek, Councillor of Prague City
Vladimir Bousa, Councillor of Prague 8
Josef Dovolil, Councillor of Mlada Boleslav City
Vaclav Exner, MP
[enviadas por el PC de Bohemia y Moravia]
1. Misin Yuri, CP of Estonia, Esthonian Civic Union
[ enviadas por el PC de Estonia]
Avaliani Nugzar, 1st secretary of Central Committee of Unified Communist Party of Georgia;
Alania Akaki, Secretary of Central Committee of Unified Communist Party of Georgia,
Pipia Temur, Secretary of Central Committee of Unified Communist Party of Georgia; Secretary of Peace Committee of Georgia;
Lursmanashvili Aleko, Secretary of Gori Regional Committee of UCPG;
Samnidze Temur, Secretary of Ajarian Regional Committee of UCPG;
Kurua Roin, Peace Committee of Georgia;
Alania Giorgi, Young Communist League of Georgia;
Kurdgelashvili Lali, Member of the PCG;
Jalagania Shalva, Director of the Tbilisi Musium of Illegal Bolshevik Printing - house;
Sikmashvili Jiuli, Vice - Director of the Tbilisi Musium of Illegal Bolshevik Printing - house;
Japoshvili Tamaz, Chairman of the Leibor Councils of Georgia;
Tcintcadze Tcitcino, Member of the Leibor Councils of Georgia;
Otiuridze Merab, Member of the CC of UCPG; Secretary of the Akhmeta Regional Committee of UCPG;
Margia Avtandil, Scientist; The member of the Zugdidi sity parliament (Sakrebulo);
Absava Nana, Scientist; Professor of Zugdidi University;
Chanturia Temur, Scientist; Member of the Independent TU of Scientists;
Tugushi Arvelodi, Leibor; Member of the UCPG;
Kobakhidze Gocha, Economist; Member of the UCPG;
Natcvlishvili Zorbeg, Engineer; Member of the UCPG;
Otiuridze Levan, Student; Member of the YCLG.
[ enviadas por el PCU de Georgia]
Alissandrakis Kostas, MP Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co operation in Europe(OSCE)
Antonas Stratos, chairman of the Trade Union Center of the island of Lesvos
Benetatos Stelios, Mayor of Municipality of Nikea
Boudouroglou Kaliopi, President of the Federation of Greek Women
Boutas Vaggelis, Member of the CC of KKE, President of the Uniting Federation of Peasants Unions of Larisa prefecture,cadre of All Peasants Militant Front (PASY)
Drakopoulos Dimitris, chairman of Federation of Workers in Press and Printing Companies
Drakos Antonis, chairman of the Trade Union Center of the island of Samos
Flouda Georgia, chairwoman of the Trade Union of workers in the food processing and tourism sector of Athens
Galanopoulos Panagiotis, President of the Craftsmen and Tradesmen Federation of Athens, member of the coordination of Tradesman Struggling committee.
Garbis Apostolis, chairman of the Trade Union of workers in food and beverages companies of Athens
Gatzis Nikos, MP
Georgiou Dimitris, vice-chairman of the Federation of the Workers at the Athens Water Supply and Sewerage Company
Gkikas Nikos, President of the Trade-Union of electricians of Athens
Gkikas Sotiris, chairman of the Trade Union Center of the prefecture of Thesprotia
Gkiokas Yiannis, Member of the Bureau of CC of KNE, MP
Halvatzis Spiros, Member of the CC of KKE, MP
Haralampous Haralambos, MP
Iosifidis Giorgos, chairman of the Trade Union Center of the prefecture of Fokida
Kafantari Euthalia (Lila) MP
Kakkavas Thomas, chairman of the union of accountants of Athens
Kalantidou Sofia, MP, President of the Trade Union of Shop Assistants of Thessalonica
Kanelli Garifallia (Liana), MP, Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe (PACE)
Kantartzis Achilleas, Member of the CC of KKE,MP
Karathanasopoulos Nikos, Member of the CC of KKE, MP
Katsiotis Christos, member of the CC of KKE, EC of PAME
Kazakos Costas, MP
Komninos Yiannis, chairman of the Trade Union of Employees in private sector of Athens
Koumpouras Vasilis, chairman of Trade Union of pharmaceuticals of Athens
Makri Kiki, chairwoman of the Trade Union Center of the prefecture of Dodekanisa
Mamali Vaso, chairwoman of the Trade Union of textile factory workers of Athens
Manolakou Diamanto, Member of the CC of KKE, MP
Manousogiannakis Yiannis, chairman of the Pan-Hellenic Union of lower engine crews
Marinos Georgos, Member of PB of the CC of KKE, MP
Mariolis Kostas, chairman of the Trade Union Center of the city of Agrinio
Maroudas Rizos ,President of the Uniting Federation of Peasants Unions of Larisa prefecture, cadre of All Peasants Militant Front (PASY)
Maurodoglou Diamantis, chairman of the Federation of Pensioners of the Social Insurance Institute
Mavrikos Georgos, Member of the CC of KKE, General Secretary of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), MP
Mavrothalassitis Babis, member of the presidium of the General Confederation of Craftsmen and Tradesmen member of the coordination of Tradesman Struggling committee.
Mela Eva, MP
Mitilinou Kostas, chairman of the Trade Union of metal industry workers of Athens
Moraitis Nikos, MP, Vice President of the Federation of the Etoloakarnania Peasants' Unions
Mpalou Alexandra, chairman of the Trade Union of employees in the financial sector of Athens
Nikolaidou Vera, MP, Vice President of the Greek Committee For International Detente And Peace(EEDYE)
Pafilis Thanasis, Member of the CC of KKE, General Secretary of the World Peace Council(WPC), MEP
Papaioannou Kostas, chairman of the Trade Union Center of the city of Arta
Papariga Aleka, General Secretary of the CC of KKE, MP
Pasoulas Yiannis, chairman of the Federation of Construction Workers
Perakis Alekos, chairman of the Trade Union of workers in telecommunications
Perros Giorgos, member of the ES of PAME
Poulikogiannis Sotiris, chairman of the Trade Union of metal industry workers of the city of Piraeus
Protoulis Yannis, Member of the CC of KKE, Secretary of the CC of KNE, MP
Raftopoulos Sotiris, vice-chairman of the Pan-Hellenic Federation of Railway Workers
Sarikas Yiannis, chairman of the Trade Union Center of the island of Rhodes
Siokou Zoi, chairwoman of the Federation of Pharmaceuticals
Sirigos Valsamos, chairman of the Trade Union Center of the city of Lavrio
Sitzanis Nikos, member of the Executive Committee of the Federation of Workers of the Hellenic Telecommunications Organization
Skopelitis Stavros, MP
Skyllakos Antonis, MP
Soultania Aggeliki, chairwoman of the Trade Union of workers in private clinics of Athens
Spiratos Gerasimos, chairman of the Trade Union Center of the islands of Kefalonia and Ithaki
Stamelos Ilias, vice-chairman of the General Federation of Workers in the Public Enterprise of Electricity
Stamtelos Nikos, chairman of the Trade Union Center of the island of Lefkada
Strouzas Pangiotis, chairman of the Trade Union Center of the island of Zakinthos
Tasoulas Giannis, chairman of the Trade Union of construction workers of Athens
Theodorou Dimos, chairman of the Federation of Workers in the Textile, Garments and Leather industries
Toussas Giorgos, Member of the CC of KKE, MEP
Tsagkataki Maria, chairwoman of the Union of shop-assistants of Athens
Tsichlis Panagiotis, chairman of the Federation of Food, Milk and Beverages
Tsimpoglou Savvas, chairman of the Pan-Hellenic Union of Merchant Marine Engineers
Tsiogkas Dimitris, chairman of the Trade Union Center of the city of Larissa
Tsitsis Sakis, chairman of the Trade Union Center of the city of Naousa
Vardaros Leon, chairman of the Pan-Hellenic Federation of Spectacles and Shows
Varelas Dimitrios, chairman of the Pan-Hellenic Federation of Accountants
Ziogas Yannis, MP, Member of the Prefecture Council of Thessalonica
[ enviadas por el PC de Grecia]
Gyula Thürmer, president of Hungarian CWP
Attila Gilicze, member of presidium of postworkers
Zsuzsa Frankfurter, member of hospital committee of medical workers
János Szőke, member of city leadership of trade union of meat industry workers
Tamas Flégel, activist of trade union of metall workers
Tamás Szabó, chairman of Left Front - Communist Youth organisation
Károly Belovicz, vice mayor of Dunasziget
János Kiss, head of workers council of Orosháza meat factory
[ enviadas por el Partido Comunista Obrero Húngaro]
Sitaram Yechury, Member of Rajya Sabha (Upper House)
Mohammed Amin, Member of Rajya Sabha (Upper House)
Shyamal Chakraborty,, Member of Rajya Sabha (Upper House)
Prasanta Chatterjee, Member of Rajya Sabha (Upper House)
Brinda Karat, Member of Rajya Sabha (Upper House)
Penumalli Madhu, Member of Rajya Sabha (Upper House)
Moinul Hassan, Member of Rajya Sabha (Upper House)
Saman Pathak, Member of Rajya Sabha (Upper House)
P.R.Rajan, Member of Rajya Sabha (Upper House)
P.Rajeev, Member of Rajya Sabha (Upper House)
T.K.Rangarajan, Member of Rajya Sabha (Upper House)
Tarini Kanta Roy, Member of Rajya Sabha (Upper House)
Matilal Sarkar, Member of Rajya Sabha (Upper House)
Tapan Kumar Sen, Member of Rajya Sabha (Upper House)
A.Vijayaraghavan, Member of Rajya Sabha (Upper House)
Basudeb Acharia, Member of Lok Sabha (Lower House)
Pulin Bihari Baske, Member of Lok Sabha (Lower House)
Smt Susmita Bauri, Member of Lok Sabha (Lower House)
P.K.Biju, Member of Lok Sabha (Lower House)
Bansagopal Chowdhury, Member of Lok Sabha (Lower House)
Khagen Das, Member of Lok Sabha (Lower House)
Dr Ramchandra Dome, Member of Lok Sabha (Lower House)
SK. Saidul Haque, Member of Lok Sabha (Lower House)
P.Karunakaran, Member of Lok Sabha (Lower House)
Sakti Mohan Malik, Member of Lok Sabha (Lower House)
P.R.Natarajan, Member of Lok Sabha (Lower House)
M.B.Rajesh, Member of Lok Sabha (Lower House)
Mahendra Kumar Roy, Member of Lok Sabha (Lower House)
Bajuban Riyan, Member of Lok Sabha (Lower House)
Dr Anup Kumar Saha, Member of Lok Sabha (Lower House)
Anirudhan Sampath, Member of Lok Sabha (Lower House)
[ enviadas por el PC de India (Marxista)]
Andrea Genovali vice President of Asociacion nacional de Amistad Italia-Cuba
[ enviadas por el Partido de los Comunistas Italianos]
1. Alfred Rubix, Membmer of the European Parlaiment
2. Alexadr Golubov, Member of the Parliament of Latvia
3. Artur Rubix, Member of the Parliament of Latvia
4. Sergeï Feodorov, Member of the Parliament of Latvia
5. Ivan Ivanov, Member of the Parliament of Riga
6. Sergei Christolioubov, Member of the Parliament of Riga
7. Olga Veidinia, Member of the Parliament of Riga
8. Vladimir Frolov, Member of the Parliament of Riga
9. Victor Fedotov, Member of the Parliament of Riga
10. Igor Zugiev, Member of the Parliament of Riga
11. Valeri Petrov, Member of the Parliament of Riga
12. Igor Soloviev, Member of the Parliament of Riga
13. Efim Klemedief, Member of the Parliament of Riga
14. Igor Kuzmuk, Member of the Parliament of Riga
15. Dagmara Abramova, Member of the Parliament of Rezekniensk
16. Sergeï Bogdanov, Member of the Parliament of Ludzensk
[ enviadas por el Partido Socialista de Letonia]
Khaled HADADAH, General secretary of Lebanese Communist Party.
Marie NASSIF-DEBS, Member of Political bureau of LCP, responsible of International affairs.
Samir DIAB, Member of political bureau of LCP.
[ enviadas por el Partido Comunista Libanés]
1. Héctor Colío Galindo, federal ex-deputy
2. Luis Alfonso Vargas Silva, General Secretary of the Central Union of Workers of Mexico
3. Carlos Chejin, Delegate of Morelos Teachers Movement
4. Sonia Medina Gonzalez, Member of the Democratic Committee of the Section 19 of the National Union of Education Workers
5. Alfredo Arroyo Pardo, Member of the Committee of the Section 27 of the National Union of Education Workers
6. Tonantzin Medina Romo, General Secretary of the Delegation DI-19 of the Section 2 of the National Union of Education Workers
7. Julio Cota, activist of the Trade Union of Electricians of Mexico
8. Marco Vinicio Davila, Committee of Solidarity with the Peoples
9. Irlanda Amaro, Director of the monthly magazine México Insurgente
10. Gerardo Torres, Front in Defence of the land of the population of Ebula
Roberto Gómez, muralist
Fernando Acosta Esquivel; Mexico, former deputy of the Legislative Body of Coahuila, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party of the Communists
Salvador Castañeda O Connor; Mexico, former federal deputy, Director of the magazine "Unidad Comunista"
Adolfo Salazar, Mexico, former deputy of the Legislative Body of Sinaloa
Eliseo Macín; Mexico, leader of the agrarian movement in the state of Veracruz
Cecilia Sánchez; Mexico, Historian
Rafael Castañeda Pineda; Mexico, General Secretary of the National Committee of the Communist Youth of Mexico
[ enviadas por el Partido de los Comunistas]
Cuauhtémoc Amezcua Dromundo, President of the Popular Socialist Party of Mexico (PPS de México)
José Santos Cervantes, General Secretary of the Popular Socialist Party of Mexico
Belisario Aguilar Olvera, member of the direction of the Mexican Trade-Union Front (Frente Sindical Mexicano)
Raúl Barba Arciniega, poet and journalist.
Ramón Betancourt Audelo, leader of PPS de México in Nayarit.
Héctor Camacho Macías, Social Front for the Popular Sovereignty, Zacatecas.
Juan Campos Vega, ex Deputy to the Congreso of the Union, Legislaturas LII & LV
José Loreto Cerna Borja, delegate of Nacional Trade-Union of Workers in Education, in Jalapa, Veracruz.
Carmen Chinas Salazar, academician of the University of Guadalajara.
Ernesto Dorantes Flores, international relations responsible of Jóvenes por el Socialismo.
Javier Estrella, Bolivarian Movement Juarista for the Unity and the Sovereinty of the People of Latin America, State of Hidalgo.
Adrián García Enríquez, member of the Political Coordination of National Movement of Liberation.
Martha Elvia García García, academician of the Autonomous University of Baja California.
Bartolomé González Galindo, member of the National Council of the Nacional Movement of Liberación.
Ofelia González Ruíz, Social front for the Popular Sovereinty, Zacatecas.
Miguel Guerra Castillo, spokesman of the Teachers' Democratic Council of Poblano.
Martha Silvia Meléndez, leader of the National Movement of Pensioners Education Workers in Chihuahua.
Alejandra Miranda, Mexican Movement of Solidarity with Cuba.
Luis Miranda Reséndiz, member of the National Coordination of the National Dialogue for a New Project of Nation
Cornelio Ochoa García, former leader of the Trade-union of Workers in the Secretariat of Hydraulic Recourses
Cecilia Ochoa Vega, National Youth Coordination for Socialism
Mario Efrén Ochoa Vega, member of the trade union board of employees at the Autonomous University of Zacatecas
Maximino Pérez Hernández, member of the National Council of the National Liberation Movement
Roberto Prado Ayala, former leader of the PPS of Mexico in Chihuahua
Alberto Reyna García, leader of the Guanajuato Civic Popular Movement
Dra. Magdalena Rosales Cruz, Mexican Movement in Solidarity with Cuba
Martín Tavira Urióstegui, Honorary Doctor of the Michoacana University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo, in Michoacán
Jorge Tovar Montañez, former Deputy at the Congress of the Union, LX Legislature
Edgar Trejo Gudiño, Juarist-Bolivarian Movement for the Unity and Alliance of the Peoples in Latin America
Tomás Trinidad Montes, former youth leader of the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca (APPO)
Humberto Trujillo Araiza, former branch leader of the National Union of Teachers in Chihuahua
José Santos Urbina Mendoza, state leader of the National Liberation Movement, Jalisco
Irma Valdivieso Suástegui, leader of the delegation of the Oaxaca National Union of Teachers
Eliud Valdez Armendáriz, leader of the National Retired Teachers' Movement in Baja California
[ enviadas por el PPS de México]
Maula Bux Khaskheli, General Secretary of CP of Pakistan, President All Pakistan Trade-union Organization ( APTUO)
Imdad Qazi, Member Central Secretariat and spokesperson of CP of Pakistan, political analyst CPP.
Mansoor Saeed, Central Secretariat of CP of Pakistan, Coordinator "DASTAK " Group of Theatre and Performing Art
Dr.Mazhar Haider, Central Secretariat of CP of Pakistan, Editor of Progressive Writers Association's Magazine
Irfan Haider Shamsi, Organizer Pakistan of Communist Youth Front (NAWJAWAN MAHAZ), Member Central Committee of CPP
Rana Shaukat Ali, CC of CPP, Chairman of Farmers Front in Punjab province
Rana Mohammad Yousa, CC of CCP
Merza Mussadaq Baig, CC of CCP, President of Railway Workers Union.
Ibrash Pasha, CC Member of CCP, General Secretary of Pakistan ,Peace and Solidarity Council.
Mohammad Iqbal, Provincial secretary of CCP for SINDH, Member of Working Group APTUO.
Dr.Syed Nisar Ali Shah. President of Pakistan Peace and Solidarity Council.
Malak Lal Khan, Chairman of APTUO, President of Punjab Sugar Mills Federation.
Bashir Ahmad, President of SINDH Sugar Mills Federation.
Gulab Peerzada, President of SINDH Peasantry Committee
Rahat Saeed, General Secretary of Progressive Writers Association of Pakistan.
Hasson Zaman Khan, President of Punjab Peasants Protection Movement
Mansoor Bux Rakshani, Provincial Secretary CPP for Baluchistan, President of Baluchistan Peasantry Committee
Mrs. Kalsoom Asim, General Secretary CPP for Karachi District, President of Democratic Women Federation of Pakistan
Kastro Qazi, Chairman of Democratic Student Federation / Communist students front
Adil Parvaiz Khan, President of Pukhtoonkhwa Peasantry Committee, Provincial General Secretary of CPP
Dr. Saeed-U-Rehman, Vice President of Malgari Daktaran (Comrades Doctors) Association, Pukhtoonkhwa
Sher Mohammad Burghrhi, President pf SINDH Progressive Graduates Association
Syed Hasham Jan, Prefect (NAZIM), Union Council (Prefecture), Ganorhi Pukhtoonkhwa
Dr.Shafiq Ahmad, of Member CC, provincial Chairman and Member of the Editorial board of Nawjawan Mahaz Magazine
Rana Mohammad Ashraf Shami, Naib Nazim (Deputy Prefect ), Union Council NO: # 179 ,Faisal Abad Punjab
Rana Shaqat Ali (Advocate), NAZIM ,(Prefect) , Union Council , N0: #244 Faisal Abad, Punjab.
[ enviadas por el PC de Pakistán]
Gennady Zyuganov, President of CP of Russian Federation, MP,
Zhores Alfyorov, MP
Andrey Andreev,
Aleftina Aparina, MP
Yury Afonin, MP
Sergey Gavrilov, MP
Ruslan Gostev, MP
Oleg Denisenko, MP
Nikolay Ezersky, MP
Michail Zapoyev, MP
Viktor Ilyukhin , MP
Boris Kashin, MP
Vladimir Kashin, MP
Vladimir Nikitin, MP
Dmitry Novikov, MP
Sergey Obukhov, MP
Nina Ostanina, MP
Victor Pautov, MP
Tamara Pletnyova, MP
Aleksey Ponomaryov, MP
Nikolay Razvorotnev, MP
Valery Rashkin, MP
Sergey Reshulsky, MP
Valentin Romanov, MP
Petr Romanov, MP
Aleksey Russkikh, MP
Nikolay Ryabov, MP
Svetlana Savitzkaya, MP
Oleg Smolin, MP
Yuly Kvitzinsky, MP
Victor Kolomeytzev, MP
Nikolay Kolomeytzev, MP
Vladimir Komoyedov, MP
Aleksey Kornienko, MP
Alexander Kulikov, MP
Oleg Kulikov, MP
Valentin Kuptzov, MP
Sergey Levchenko, MP
Anatoly Lokot', MP
Yury Maslyukov, MP
Ivan Melnikov, MP
Sergey Muravlenko, MP
Petr Svechnikov, MP
Sergey Sobko, MP
Svyatoslav Sokol, MP
Vadim Solovyov, MP
Vasiliy Starodubtzev, MP
Vladimir Ulas, MP
Vladimir Fedotkin, MP
Nikolay Kharitonov, MP
Vladimir Khakhichev, MP
Valentin Chikin, MP
Konstantin Shirshov, MP
Sergey Shtorgin, MP
Valentin Shurchanov, MP
Igor Adel, MP
Vladislav Yurchik, MP
[ enviadas por el PC de la Federación Rusa]
Tuylkin Victor Arkadievic, 1st Secretary of the CC of CWPR.
Apsov Victor Robertovic, Deputy of the Avtovo's City Council.
Sergeëv Vitali Dmitrievic, Deputy of the Avtovo's City Council.
Vinogradof Alexandr Alexandrovic, President of the Workers' and Special Personnel's Council in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.
Malenchov Stepan Sergeëvic, President of the trade-union committee of the Workers' United Confederacy «Zasita» in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.
Lisichina Natalia Sergeëvna, President of the trade-union committee in factories «Silovie Masini» and «Electrosila» of the Confederacy «Zasita».
Umancev Vladimir Fedorovic, President of the trade-union committee in the industry «Zabod Imeni Kulakova» of the Confederacy «Zasita».
Giakovlev Anatoliï Genadievic, President of a public welfare organization - Elector Club «Grazdanin».
Beadzan Valedin Nikolaëvic, President of the trade-union committee of the State Hydrologic Institute.
Matrosov Valedin Mihaïlovic, President of the trade-union committee of the Russian Scientific-Research Institute of radio-equipment.
Alexeëv Giouri Petrovic, Member of the trade-union committee in «Baltiskii Zabod».
Usakov Mihaïl Konstadinovic, Member of the trade-union committee in «Rubin».
Vedernikova Tamara Borisovna, 2nd President of the Committee for the unified action over the protection of the working and social rights of the citizen.
Etmanov Alexeï, Vsevolosk 2nd President of the Confederation of a car-industry.
B. Kovaleva - Russia - Leningrad - Vsevolosk - 2nd President of the Pensioners' Union in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region.
Silagiev Dmitri Vasilievic, Deputy of the City Council, Slate «City of Vsevolosk».
Sastina Loubof Nikolagievna, Deputy of the City Council, Slate «City of Vsevolosk».
B. Prohoriënko, Deputy of the City Council of the City Press in Morozofskogie, Sevoloskogie area in Leningrad region.
Gamov Lev Viktorovic, President of the Regional United Workers' Union «Zasita» at Nizegorodsk - Sarof .
Nikolagiev Alexadr Nikolagievic, President of the Russian Executive Committee of the Workers', Farmers', Specialized Workers' and Employees' Councils.
Glagoleva Natalia Olegovna, President of the public welfare organization «Movement for the protection of the children».
Klochkov Ivan Frolovic, Hero of the Soviet Union, General, honorary President of the Veterans' Union of World War II of Leningrad and Leningrad region.
Lapsin Victor Borisovic, President of the Regional United Workers' Union «Zasita», Karelïa - Siftikar
Pinzenin Victor Mihaïlovic, Deputy of the City Council of Giousno Uralsk.
Lebedev Maxim Giourgevic, Deputy of the City Council of Giousno Uralsk.
Turulo B. N., Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Kirof region.
Zimin B. F., President of the Workers', Farmers', Specialized Workers' and Employees' Council.
Akusba G. B., President of the public welfare movement «Working Kirof».
Gorskov A. B., President of the 1st grade union of the tyre industry in Kirof, of the Regional United Workers' Union «Zasita».
Perevosikof B.A., President of the 1st grade union of the chemical industry «B. P. Konstadinova», of the Regional United Workers' Union «Zasita».
Domrachegiev Z. T., President of the 1st grade union of the biochemical factory of Kirof, of the Russian Professional Workers' Union in chemical industry.
Tarasof B. A., President of the 1st grade union of the Confederacy of Engineers of Aviation in the airport of Pobedilovo.
Bolkov Valkeri Alexeëvic, Deputy of The City Council of Zavodooukofsk of Toumen region.
Matagiev Vladimir Ignadievic, President of the Regional Council of the regional public welfare organization «Workers', Farmers', Specialized Personnel's and Employees' Council».
Zaharkin Alexadr Vladimirovic, President of the Union «Prosfoboda Surgut Neftegaza», autonomous region of Hadi-Mansisk.
Burhanov Rafael Ismagilovic, President of the self employed union of the petroil-chemical industry in Tobolsk - Tumen region.
Cherepanov Alexadr Kiprigianovic, President of the Committee of protesting actions in the region of Tumen.
Chelih Sergeï Mihaïlovic, President of the Coordinating Council of the regional public welfare movement «Working Tumen».
Alexadrova Aleftina Kirilovna, President of the Regional Movement «Soviet Women» of Tumen.
Furtagieva Klara Konstadinova, President of the Regional Electors' Club of Tumen.
Savelkov Mihaïl Anatolgievic, President of the public welfare movement «Leftwing Front», of Tumen.
[ enviadas por el PC Obrero de Rusia - Partido de los Comunistas de Rusia]
Manuel Camaño Fandiño, General Secretary of the Central Union of Workers of Galicia
Mariano Abalo Costa, Second Deputy Mayor of the Council of Cangas do Morrazo, Galicia
Juan Fajardo Recouso, city councillor and Spokesman of the municipal group of the United Left of the municipality of Vilagarcía de Arousa, Pontevedra, Galicia
Esther García Díaz, city councilor of the municipality of Torrelavega of the Asamblea Ciudadana, Torrelavega in Cantabria
Ramón Bueno Piñeiro, city councilor of the United Left of the municipality of Vilagarcía de Arousa and member of the Regional Executive Committee of the CCOO in Arousa (Pontevedra), Galicia
Dolores Cuevas Rivas, city councilor of the United Left of the municipality of Vilagarcía de Arousa and member of the CCOO of the committee of MEGASA enterprise in Arousa (Pontevedra), Galicia
Juan Luís García Córdoba, General Secretary of the AST, majority trade union in Telefónica, Madrid
Josep Bel, member of the state Coordinating Committee of CO.BAS, majority trade union in Telefónica, Catalonia
Mikel Bujanda Requibátiz, General Secretary of Teachers' Federation of the CC.OO., Rioja
Angel Torregrosa, direction of the trade union of the CCOO of the region of Murcia
Fernando Ramos Armesto, Regional Secretary of the CCOO of Arousa (Pontevedra), Galicia
Antonio Durán Muñoz, General Secretary of the General Union of La Marina Baixa, Alicante
Rodrigo Ruíz Mora, Organizational Secretary of the General Union De La Marina Baixa
Antonio Yus Piazuelo (Toni), spokesman of the local left and anti-capitalist platform "Lleida Treballadora", Catalonia Spain
Miguel Guerrero Sánchez, Coordinator of the Association of Fecsa-Endesa, of the Federation of pensioners and retired of the CCOO, Catalonia
Francisco Sebio Peña D.I. nº 33,239.207 K, trade union leader in the education sector, Galicia
Laura Iglesias Garcia ; Chairman of the Committee of the University Clinic, Galicia
Xosé María Dobarro Paz, Professor in the University of La Coruña, Galicia
Quim Boix i Lluch, class oriented trade-unionist, Catalonia
Vicente Alcaraz Mira, Regional Secretary of the Trade Union of Citizens' Services of the CCOO, Valencian Community
Mariano Ocaña Castellanos, chairman of the Association of Solidarity with Cuba "9 de octubre" of Ibi, Alicante
Onofre Mirón Martinez, member of the Executive Committee of the central regions of the industry trade union of CCOO
ANTONIO DURAN MUÑOZ, Secretario General Del Sindicato De Oficios Varios De La Marina Baixa (Alicante).
RODRIGO RUIZ MORA, Secretaria De Organización Del Sindicato De Oficios Varios De La Marina Baixa (Alicante).
Carmelo Suarez, General Secretary of the PCPE
Raul Martinez, member of direction of PCPE, lider of solidarity with Cuba, abogado español de los 5 cubanos presos en Miami
Julio Diaz Diaz, responsable de Organización del CC del PCPE
Lola Jiménez Muñoz, Directora de la FOIC, Fundación Obrera de Investigación y Cultura
Ana María Novoa Diéguez, Economista .Galiza
Baldomero Iglesias Dobarrio . Artista (cantor) e profesor.Galiza
Carlos Ríos Vilaboa, Traballador da Administración . Galiza
Denís Iglesias Llamas Estudante, Galiza
Enrique Toba Nardín, profesor de tecnoloxía. Galiza
Gonzalo Amoedo López, escritor e policía local, galiza
José Antonio Rodríguez Rivera, Mestre do IES Pazo da Mercé das Neves Galiza
Jose Carlos Pérez Pérez, Xornalista gráfico Galiza
José F. Pérez Oya , Economista. Ex-funcionario de UUNN. jubilado.
Juan Miguel Blanco Pereira, Obrero Automoción .Galiza
Laura Quintillán Núñez música, profesora. Galiza
Margarita Ledo Andion Cineasta e escritora Catedratica de Comunicacion Audiovisual da USC, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela .Galiza
María Hortensia Núñez Insua . Pensionista. Galiza
María Inmaculada Otero Baamonde, ATS Sergas Vigo . Galiza
María Silva Barcala, Costureira. A Coruña .Galiza
Marina Quintillán Núñez , música, profesora. Galiza
Noa Fernandez Pazo, Estudante . Galiza
Omar Mohd-abdelghani Quintela, inmigrante, estudante da universidade de vigo .Galiza
Xosé Antón Pedreira Mirás, LIBREIRO. Galiza
Xosé María Álvarez Cáccamo. Escritor. GALIZA
Yago Rodríguez Cacharrón , Estudante.Galiza
Juan Nogueira López, Estudiante - CC de CJC
Pedro Rodríguez Irisarri, afiliado a CGT
Alicia Crevillén González, militante PCPE
Christophe Brunet , militante PCPE
Aurora Bernal Recio, militante PCPE
Emlio Vilar Grupeli militante PCPE
Antonio Eleazar Seva Pérez militante PCPE
Carlos Benigno Torres Pérez, militante PCPE y afiliado al sindicato CGT
Diego Farpon, militante CJC
Teseo Celdran Arnedo -Licenciado en Derecho-
Antonio Zurera, city councilor of UPAN in the municipality of Aguilar de la Frontera (Córdoba), Andalucía
Francisco Cejas, city councilor of UPAN in the municipality of Aguilar de la Frontera (Córdoba), Andalucía
[Enviadas por el PC de los Pueblos de España]
Gun Isaxon, Chairwoman SKP
Kjell Bygdén, International Sekretary SKP
[Enviadas por el PC de Suecia]
Ammar Baghdash,Member of the PB of the CC of the of the Syrian CP, MP and Head of the Parliamentary Committee of Internal Affairs and Local Authorities
Zumana Raduan,MP
Mohamad Nafe Bozan,MP
Abala Halil, MP
[enviadas por el PC Sirio]
Erkan Bas - President of TKP
Kemal Okuyan - Member of PB and responsible of daily soL
Aydemir Güler - Member of PB
Tunc Tatoglu - Responsible for Nazim Hikmet Cultural Center, member of CC
Ulku Sozbir - Secretary of Peace Association
Kaya Guvenc - Member of secretariat of Patriotic Front Workers Union, member of CC
Alper Birdal - Responsible for International Relations, member of CC
Izge Gunal - Professor, Izmir.
Nurettin Abacıoglu - Professor, Ankara.
Erhan Nalcaci - Professor, Ankara.
Kaan Arslanoglu - Writer.
Yurdakul Er - Writer, journalist.
Osman Cutsay - Writer, journalist.
Metin Culhaoglu - Writer
Cagri Kinikoglu - Film maker, critic, writer
Orhan Aydin - Theater actor, writer
Ozan Ozgur - Writer
İrfan Ertel - Painter
[enviadas por el PC de Turquía]
Simonienko Petr Nikoaevich, 1st Secretary of the CC of CP of Ukraine, MP, President of the Parliamentary Group
Alexandrovskagia Alla Alexandrovna, MP, Secretary for the budget affairs, member of the Central Committee(CC) of the Communist Party of Ukraine (CPU).
Alexeëv Igor Viktorovic, 2nd Secretary of the CC of CPU, MP, Secretary of the Committee of International Affairs of the Parliament of Ukraine.
Banburin Alexeï Vasilievic, MP, member of the CC of CPU.
Bevz Baleri Ananievic, MP, member of the CC of CPU.
Volinen Evgeni Balerievic, MP.
Gaïdaëv Giouri Alexandrovic, MP.
Golup Alexandr Vladimirovic, MP, Chief-Editor of the newspaper «Communist», member of the CC of CPU.
Gordienk Sergei Vladimirovic, MP, member of the CC of CPU.
Grach Leonid Ivanovic, MP, Member of the Committee of Justice of the Parliament of Ukraine, candidate Doctor of Law School.
Danilenko Vladimir Andreëvic, MP, member of the CC of CPU.
Demiachuk Victoria Alexandrovna, MP, member of the CC of CPU.
Kaletnik Igor Grigorievic, MP, member of the CC of CPU, President of the Committee for the struggle against organized crime and corruptness.
Kilinkarov Spuridon Vasilievic, MP, member of the CC of CPU.
Kravchenko Nikolaï Vasilievich, MP, member of the CC of CPU.
Marmazov Evgeni Vasilievic, MP, member of the CC of CPU, Member of the Committee of the Parliament of Ukraine for Privatization Affairs.
Martiniouk Adam Ivanovic, MP, member of the CC of CPU, 1st assistant President of the Parliamentary Group.
Matveëv Vladimir Iösimovic, MP, member of the CC of CPU.
Matveëv Valedin Grigorievic, MP, member of the CC of CPU. Member of the Committee of Defence and National Security of the Parliament of Ukraine.
Naïdionov Adreï Mihaïlovic, MP, member of the CC of CPU.
Perestenco Marina Vladimirovna, MP
Samoilik Ekaternia Semionova, MP, member of the CC of CPU, Secretary of the Committee of Science and Education of the Parliament of Ukraine
Tkachenko Alexandr Nikolaevich, MP, member of the CC of CPU, President of the Committee of Economic Policy of the Parliament of Ukraine
Khranov Sergey Nikolaevich MP, member of the CC of CPU
Tsarkov Evgeni Igorovich, MP, member of the CC of CPU
Tsimpenko Petr Stepanovich, MP, member of the CC of CPU, 1st Deputy President of the Committee of Pensioners, Veterans and Disabled of the Parliament of Ukraine
Smeliova Svetlana Alexandrova, MP
Zarovotni Vladimir Grigorievich, Coordinator of the Communist Group in the Harkov's Regional Council
Kriuckov Georgi Korneevich, Executive Secretary of the Socio-political Union Ukranian Forum.Peoples Deputy of Ukraine in 2,4 legislatures,member of CC of CP of Ukraine.
Osetrov Yuri Nikolaevich, Deputy President of the Regional Council of Dnepropetrovsk,Coordinator of the represenattive group of communists in the Regional Council,member of CP of Ukraine.
Pietrusenkov, Mihail Nikolaevich, Municipality Councellor of Chenighofsk City,General,member of the CCof CP of Ukraine city
Pusakov Vladimir Tihonovich, Mayor of Kirovgrad City of Kirov Region, member of the CC of CP of Ukraine
Buiko Georgii Vladimirovich, secretary of the CC of the CP of Ukraine, chairman of the antifascist committee of Ukraine
Bidevka Vladimir Anatolievich, editor of the newspaper "Communist of Dubas", member of the CC of the CP of Ukraine
Brich Yenadii Kirillovich , mayor of Turka (region of Lviv) member of the CP of Ukraine
Domanskii Anatolii Ivanovich, chairman of the national Ukrainian union of Soviet officers, General, member of the CC of the CP of Ukraine.
Ryebenko Ivan Maximovits, Coordinator of the representative body of the Communists of the Regional Council of Soumsk, PhD student on technological science, Rector of National University of Soumsk, Member of the CC of the CP of Ukraine
Timosenko Nikolai Mihailovits, President of the State Committee of the Forestry heritage of Ukraine, member of the CC of the CP of Ukraine.
Svab Valeriy Vladimirovits, Mayor of the Ovruch city in Zhitomyr region, Member of the Communist Party of Ukraine.
Silovtsev Yuri Vladimirovits, Deputy President of the Center for the Protection of the History of the Great Patriotic War, Doctor of science history, member of the Communist Party of Ukraine, Member of the Communist Party of Ukraine.
Yatsevko Vladimir Nikolaevits, Director of the Sector of the Ukrainian Parliament on human rights, Member of the CC of the CP of Ukraine.
[enviadas por el PC de Ucrania]
Yabrova Tamila, President of the Union of Ukrainian Communists (UUC), Chief-editor of the international theoretical and socio-political magazine «Marxism and our times».
Rosnofski Georgi, member of the Coordinative Council of UUC, chief- engineer of Urban Institute.
Arseenko Anatoly, member of the editor committee of the magazine «Marxism and our times», PhD of Historical Sciences.
Belefski Oleg, assistant chief-editor of the newspaper «Working Class», member of the Ukrainian Workers' Union.
Suimenko Yevgeni, member of the editor committee of the magazine «Marxism and our times», PhD of philosophical sciences.
Teresiouk Vasili, President of the Marxist Organization, PhD of philosophical sciences.
Dorenko Yuri, Secretary of Kiev's city organization of the UUC, worker.
Malinofskaya Irina, President of the Workers' union in education and interpretation, PhD of philosophical sciences.
Novak Vladimir, member of the coordinative council of UUC, chief-editor of the newspaper «Pravda of Lvof», Colonel in retirement of the Soviet Army.
Maefskaya Galina, President of Melitopolis' city organization of UUC, engineer.
Dudko Dmitri, President of Harkovo's city organization of UUC, chief-editor of the newspaper «Avant-garde».
Paulin Oleg, PhD of technical studies on Odessa University.
Gaïdasof Leonid, President of Symferoupolis' city organization of UUC, writer.
Efanof Nikolas, Professor of Physics.
Efanova Irina, member of the coordinative council of UUC, responsible of edition of the magazine «Marxism and our times», member of the presiding board of the European Peace Forum.
Semenova Natalia, member of the editor committee of the magazine «Marxism and our times».
Piharovic Vasili, PhD of Philosophy in the technological University, chief-editor of the popular science youth magazine «Propaganda».
Zalobak Ndiezda, PhD of biological sciences.
Igatovic Vladimir, PhD of technical sciences, journalist.
Samarski Adreï, member of the editor committee of the popular science youth magazine «Propaganda».
Oleftinskaya Zoya, main engineer of the Institute of microbiology and virus infection of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.
Borisenko Mihaïl, executive of UUC, worker.
Potapof Valedin, executive of UUC, student.
Kotok Maryna - student of Technical University.
Ponomarenko Vitaly - lecturer of Educational University.
Lis Boris - philosopher, unemployed, Vinnytsya.
[enviadas por la Unión de Comunistas de Ucrania]