domingo, 15 de junho de 2008


Estimados camaradas,

No nome do Comité Central do Partido Comunista dos Povos de España (PCPE) e de toda a súa militancia, recibide a nosa máis calorosa felicitación pola vitoria do NON no referendo sobre o Tratado de Lisboa celebrado o xoves no voso país.

Esta vitoria supón un claro revés á política imperialista, belicista e antisocial da Unión Europea, plasmada nun Tratado de Lisboa que, como ocorreu coa Consitución Europea en 2004 en Francia e Holanda, foi derrotado por un povo, o voso, que con coraxe dixo NON á Europa do capital e a guerra.

Sabemos que a loita foi dura, que os partidarios do Si, co governo á fronte, utilizaron todos e cada un dos medios ao seu alcance para desacreditar a movemento popular e aos partidos que, como o voso, tratou de informar ao povo irlandés das consecuencias nefastas para os povos de Europa deste Tratado.

Ademais de felicitarvos, queremos darvos as grazas, posto que o povo irlandés votou por todos os povos europeos a quen se nos negou o dereito a expresar a nosa opinión. A covardía dos dirixentes europeos e dos governos saíulles cara e o voso NON resoa hoxe moi alto en Bruxelas e en todos os governos dos países da UE. Isto é así porque o voso NON é o NON dos traballadores e traballadoras dos povos da Europa, das clases populares, dos sectores progresistas e demócratas que non queren que un instrumento do imperialismo e a oligarquía monopolista como é a UE decida sobre os servizos públicos, sobre as relacións laborais, interveña militarmente noutros países e reprima e persiga a quen defenden unha alternativa socialista ao actual estado de cousas.

Por todo iso camaradas, en nome dos comunistas españois, reitero a nosa felicitación e o noso agradecemento, co rogo de que o fagades chegar a todos os vosos militantes e a todos os irlandeses que nos fixeron tan felices co seu voto.


Quim Boix
Responsabel de Relacións Internacionais
Partido Comunista dos Povos de España

Dear comrades,

On behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain (PCPE) and all the militants, please receive our warmest congratulation for the victory of the NO in the referendum about the Lisbon Treaty that took place in your country on Thursday.

This victory is a clear setback to the imperialist, warlike and anti-social policy of the European Union, embodied in a Lisbon Treaty which, just like it happened with the European Constitution in 2004 in France and Holland, has been defeated by a people, your people, who courageously has said NO to the Europe of the capital and the war.

We know that the struggle has been tough, that the Yes campaigners, headed by the government, have used every mean at hand to discredit the popular movement and the parties like yours, which have tried to inform the Irish people of the fatal consequences of this Treaty for the peoples of Europe.

As well as congratulating you, we would also like to thank you, because the Irish people have voted for all the European peoples to whom the right of expressing our opinion has been denied. The cowardice of the European leaders and governments has not been free for them and your NO sounds very clear in Brussels and every government house in the member countries of the EU. This is like this because your NO is the NO from the working men and women of the peoples of Europe, from the popular classes, from the progressive and democratic strata who do not want that a tool from imperialism and the monopolist oligarchy as the EU decides about the public services, about the labour relations, militarily intervenes in other countries and represses and prosecutes those who defend a socialist alternative to the present situation.

Comrades, for all this, on behalf of the Spanish communists, I once more express our congratulations and our thanks, and I ask you to send convey them to all your militants and all the Irish people who have made us so happy with their vote.


Quim Boix
Responsabel de Relacións Internacionais
Partido Comunista dos Povos de España